Scopus Indexed Journal List

Arts and humanities scopus indexed journals.
Scopus indexed journal list. Check the title list. 12 january 2020 8 scopus is a database with bibliographical information on scientific literature. Scopus is elsevier s abstract and citation database launched in 2004. Life sciences social sciences physical sciences and health sciences.
Scopus indexed journals list. Scopus indexed journals 2019. We would like to show you a description here but the site won t allow us. Chemical engineering scopus indexed journals el profesor chemical engineering 03 november 2020 scopus indexed journals.
Scopus indexed journals list a el profesor. List of scopus index journals october 2019 new content types included on scopus are either serial publications that have an issn international standard serial number such as journals book. Examples of serial publications are journals annuals such as reports yearbooks and directories and book series and these are assigned an issn international standard serial number. Scopus indexed journals list 2020 2021.
Use a scopus search for the name of the journal or conference and check if any current content is available to see if the title is indeed indexed. Scopus covers nearly 36 377 titles 22 794 active titles and 13 583 inactive titles from approximately 11 678 publishers of which 34 346 are peer reviewed journals in top level subject fields. There are thousands of peer reviewed journals available in the area of business and management but very few hundreds of journals only indexed in scopus database scopus is the number one abstract and citation database of peer reviewed journals which contains more than 70 million items like scientific articles conference proceedings book chapters lecture notes and books. List of scopus index journals 2019 with sourcerecord id journal title print issn e issn and current status.
Scopus is the number one abstract and citation database of peer reviewed journals which contains more than 70 mil.