Wayang Kulit Kelantan Pdf

Wayang kulit merupakan salah satu seni persembahan melayu tradisional kelantan yang masih diminati hingga kini.
Wayang kulit kelantan pdf. Both its dramatic and musical aspects existing only in the oral tradition were transmitted to young performers generation after generation mastusky. Sungguhpun puppet digunakan sebagai bahan utama dalam persembahan wayang kulit tetapi konsepnya ia bukan suatu puppet show tapi lebih berbentuk shadow play. Find read and cite all the research you need. Wayang kulit kelantan was known and enjoyed by malays who lived in rural areas.
Menurut j m gullick 1987 terdapat dua kategori wayang yang dimainkan iaitu wayang siam dan wayang jawa. Wayang kulit kelantan a preeminent shadow play in malaysia is currently threatened with imminent extinction. Wayang kulit kelantan is a traditional theatrical performance that uses puppets to project shadows. Pdf traditional malay theatre arts such as wayang kulit kelantan or shadow play puppet kelantan in malaysia has been a form of entertainment.
It is as a cultural art strategies to be exposes to the. This study focused on shadow play or wayang kulit kelantan one of four main forms of wayang kulit in malaysia. Gambalan is carved out and then performed by the dalang based on the repertoire of wayang kulit kelantan wkk performance which is hikayat seri rama. Malaysian wayang kulit 17 years earlier that s it.
Through this project the students will work together to stage a traditional theater performances in an open space in a selected supermarket sacc mall. Wayang siam dimainkan di kelantan kedah dan sebahagian tempat di terengganu. The puppets used are known as gambalan by the performers in the early days. At the moment of this writing the existing efforts made to preserve this traditional.
Wayang kulit wayang kulit adalah satu hiburan luar yang telah diserap masuk ke dalam budaya melayu. Wayang kulit kelantan was a theater of kelantan malay heritage which is very popular in the past are now almost no heirs.